new approach
Catch of the Day

Mary has turned her attention to studies of fishermen at work, mainly in oil. She has always been interested in the figure and movement, and these studies reflect that. Colour is important with an emphasis on bold choices - something new to her - she is excited by laying down simple brush strokes to suggest movement, very much influenced by Harry Becker's work. See Currently Available - Fishermen.

Another attraction for Mary at the moment are swimmers - figures frolicking in the waves or quietly enjoying a morning swim. It's all about movement and light again, trying to get over a feeling and mood. There's no shortage of subject matter as swimming in Southwold and Walberswick goes on all year round! Not for Mary though - she prefers to capture the scene, rather than be in it! Pulling Ahead (left) and Morning Swimmers (right) are examples of this subject.
Inspired by Dame Laura Knight
Mary has admired the work of Dame Laura Knight (1877-1970) for many years. Dame Laura was the first modern day female artist to become a member of The Royal Academy. She joined the Newlyn Art Group in Cornwall in the early years of the 20th century and Mary has a print of a famous painting she produced at that time called "Flying the Kite". The work depicts what looks like Newlyn in the background. As a long time fan of Dame Laura, Mary wanted to depict a similar scene but set on the beach at Southwold. Shadows, Southwold Beach is not a copy but a pastiche.
All of Mary's new work can be seen in the Currently Available section of this website.


Inspired by Dame Laura Knight

All of Mary's new work can be seen in the Currently Available section of this website.